about me

I graduated in 2020 with a BSc. in Geography. I studied geography initially for my interest in the natural world, how it interacts with itself. I quickly learned about our current geologic epoch and realized that we, the namesake to that epoch, are directly intertwined with the very nature that I was studying. I naturally progressed into focusing on humans and how we interact with the environment. This has become central to my personal and professional projects.

My personal work focuses upon critical analysis in sustainability, what it means to be human within a natural world. Unlike many radical viewpoints, I find myself often falling somewhere in the middle of them. Most recently, I have been attempting to visually express this viewpoint through photography. For me, like sustainability, photography  falls between art and the literal, like a well composed body of writing.

Visual expression is by no means my only passion. In fact projects that I have worked on include: working with adaptive and ASD climbers, or surveying the highest mountains in the Canadian rockies in conjunction with the UofC and NRCan. Superficially climbing is what exists in both of these professional passions, however fundamentally it extends beyond just climbing. I am passionate about using a skill I have to help others access terrain. It is something I think we all strive towards, taking a skill that we have and applying it not exclusively for self indulgence but to relate to greater segments of society. Visual expressionism or adaptive climbing systems can both relate to something greater than the superficial act of doing them.
